In the vibrant city of Dortmund, a Silvester night like no other is about to unfold, hosted by the city itself. This charity event, dedicated to the cause of “Stiftung Kinderglück,” will feature exclusively local DJs, with the spotlight on the dynamic Roxy Nox as she brings her tech house prowess to the forefront.
As the prime-time performer representing her label Palmlands Records and Dortmund’s music scene, Roxy Nox embodies the city’s rich cultural diversity and a commitment to supporting its own. The Silvester celebration becomes a fusion of her signature beats, community support, and a shared dedication to making a difference in the lives of Dortmund’s youth.
Step into the New Year with a sense of unity, as Roxy Nox leads Dortmund’s Silvester Charity Extravaganza, blending the rhythm of her homegrown beats with the warmth of philanthropy. Join us in celebrating the spirit of Dortmund, where Roxy Nox takes center stage for a cause that resonates with the heart of the community and sets the tone for a night filled with music, unity, and positive change.
Party Announcement:
Playtime Announcement: